Definitum Search
Definitum is a tireless advocate for your firm. We will sell you as effectively as we will provide people to match your expectations.
Definitum Search is all about clarity and precision. Definitum was founded to work with the elite: fewer clients; stronger relationships; only the best candidates.
We are not here to waste your time - we will only show you the very best. To do that we need to tailor your message, to understand your strategic objectives, how and why you want to grow in a specific area. A clear, precise search for the best cultural and commercial fit is enabled only by a clear, precise understanding of what drives your firm.
Bespoke legal executive search
Definitum Search is research-based, but not rigidly process-driven. Our culture encourages free-thinking and creativity in response to complex client briefs; each project is carefully chosen and allocated the full weight of our resources until after its successful completion.